For SCBVM Level 2 through Elementary
Red uniform leotard (sold through the school)
Pink Ballet tights
Pink canvas split-sole ballet shoes sewn with ribbons Level 6 and up
Upon recommendation and assessment, pointe shoes
Hair in a neat classical bun
In Classical Ballet, female students don’t wear undergarments underneath their tights. This is for both aesthetic and health reasons. It isn’t usually an issue when students start their training at a young age, however, as they get older infection and discomfort do often become an issue. In order to prepare your child for later training, we recommend that they don’t wear undergarments at the start of their training so they don’t need to make the socially awkward uncomfortable transition to being undergarment-free at a later time. Ballet tights are an undergarment, and therefore they must be washed accordingly.
Red T-shirt (no logo, available for purchase through the school)
Black tights
Dance belt
Black canvas split-sole ballet shoes
SCBVM Primary and SCBVM Level 1
Pink tank or cap sleeve leotard
Pink Ballet tights
Pink full-sole leather ballet slippers
Hair is a neat classical bun
In Classical Ballet, female students don’t wear undergarments underneath their tights. This is for both aesthetic and health reasons. It isn’t usually an issue when students start their training at a young age, however, as they get older infection and discomfort do often become an issue. In order to prepare your child for later training, we recommend that they don’t wear undergarments at the start of their training so they don’t need to make the socially awkward uncomfortable transition to being undergarment-free at a later time. Ballet tights are an undergarment, and therefore they must be washed accordingly.
White T-shirt (no logo) and black tights
Black full-sole leather ballet shoes
Payment Policy and withdrawals
Refunds will only be issued if Maple Leaf School of Russian Ballet cancels a class due to insufficient enrolment. Otherwise, all class fees paid are non-transferable and non-refundable.
Our fees for the Youth Dance Program are calculated on an ANNUAL basis for the different levels and types of classes. This means that the fee for the year is divided by 9, which is then the monthly fee regardless of the number of weeks of classes in any month. Any additional instructional lessons outside the scheduled class times, such as rehearsals for production performances, may be subject to additional fees. Your first installment will both September and June tuition.
A full month's notice is required for withdrawals. For example, for November withdrawal, notice must be given by October 1st.
The last opportunity to withdraw is December 1st. NO REFUNDS will be given after this date, except for extreme circumstances accompanied by a Doctor’s note.
Potential additional costs
Exam Fees: Students recommended for exams will receive a letter of recommendation. Additionally, students recommended for examination will receive information regarding the costs associated with participating in an exam. Examples of such costs would be the cost of the exam, the cost of the accredited pianist used for the examination and the preparation classes leading up to the examination, the costs of a mock examination, and any additional private or semi-private lessons recommended to the students by their teacher with the purpose of ensuring that the students commit to doing their best during their examination.
Festival Fees: Some students may be recommended to compete in one or more festivals and/or competitions. Participating in these events may incur additional costs. Upon recommendation for participation in a said festival or competition, the Student will receive information regarding these additional costs. Some of these costs may include; The cost for private or semi-private lessons during the preparation leading up to their performance(s), the entry fee charged by the organization hosting the festival or competition, either the purchase or rental of the costume the student will be performing in, costs for the instructor to be present during the competition or festival (this may be optional depending on the event). Some of these costs are variable depending on the event, and any annual changes the organizations running the events commit to.
Attendance for each class for the full class time is mandatory. Please notify the Artistic Director and administration of any absences as soon as possible.
Late Arrival of Student
Knock and enter once the music has stopped - please DO NOT INTERRUPT exercises in progress;
Upon entering the class, please do a solo reverence and offer an apology before taking your place at the barre;
If you arrive after the completion of the plié portion of the exercise sequences, you will not be able to participate in the remainder of that class.
3. Class Time
Students must do their own warm-up before the start of class on their own time. Class times on the schedule are for instructional lessons and may run over time.
4. In-Class Behaviour
Students must extend courtesy and respect to each other, instructors and staff at all times. Distracting and disruptive behaviour, bullying, disregard for privacy and personal property, and all other thoughtless or irresponsible behaviour will be dealt with immediately.
5. Communications
We kindly request that questions or concerns are addressed in a respectful manner and preferably in private. Please set up an appointment via email. Please do not delay instructors before, in between, or after class unless it is an emergency.
6. School Property
Please ask permission before using ANY school property. While we hope that students and parents enjoy a positive time at the school, it is a place of learning and business, and as such, school property should not be treated as common property. In particular, please do not use the school kitchen and its facilities unless permission is granted. The kitchen is private and only for school personnel.
7. Copyright ©
All class exercises, choreography, photography/video, printed and other forms of media are the rightful property of the Maple Leaf School of Russian Ballet. We ask that students and parents do not divulge detailed information related to these matters to families outside the school. We strongly encourage our families to talk about our school and its unique program to the general community, but for the purpose of accuracy and privacy infringement, we ask that specifics of the program be reserved for discussion by the Artistic Director.
8. Food and Drink
Students are asked to bring enough snacks and water each day. Except for water, no other drink or food is permitted inside the dance studios.
Nuts will be permitted at the school unless the school is given notice of any food allergies of a student by the parents.
9. Uniforms and Grooming
Appropriate uniform is expected to be worn by all students; proper grooming and personal hygiene are equally important at all times. For safety reasons, please do not use body lotion or fragrance, and only short fingernails are permitted. Jewelry cannot be worn on any parts of the body in the studio. Small hoops or studs in the ears are permitted.
The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen property