Child and Youth Ballet Dance Class Descriptions

SCBVM Level 1

  • The second level on the ladder of the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method’s Syllabus. Designed ages 6-7.

  • In Level 1, some of the previously learned movements will shift away from an “Exercise” format, and progress into combinations. Movements will be taught “turned-out” for the first time in many instances, and students will also start to incorporate Port de Bras into their combinations in both Barre and Centre Practices. Students may notice an increased amount of repetition in Level 1, as one of the goals is to develop a young dancer’s physical strength. Additionally, classes will contain exercises that are dedicated to enhancing a student’s Musical Comprehension, developing the student’s improvisational skills, and mime.

  • Upon Completion of Level 1, We expect students to be able to Perform in their productions with a heightened level of confidence, basic knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and why they are doing it, a fundamental understanding of Ballon (the ability to suspend oneself in the air), and to demonstrate a positive attitude towards their developing understanding of Classical Ballet.

  • Each class is 1 hour in length.

  • Sign-up and registration are for 1 year of training.

  • Saturdays 10:45am - 11:45am

SCBVM Level 4

  • The fifth level on the ladder of the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method’s Syllabus. Designed for students with some previous dance training but can also be a good starting level for older beginners, approximately aged 9-12.

  • In Level 4 students will continue to learn and practice existing ballet combinations at the Barre while adding movements which emphasize coordination. Rudimentary head positions are also added to some of the movements at the Barre. The Centre Practice, in Level 4, shifts its focus to Balance, introducing new movements which emphasize teaching students how to transfer their center of gravity without sacrificing their Aplomb (ability to maintain vertical harmony maintaining balance). Students will also start to demonstrate their combinations using various Poses and Alignments such as Croise and Efface which will add more depth and feeling to their dancing. Lessons in Level 4 also change their framework to align more with a “traditional” Ballet Lesson, by removing the mime, and improvisation portions from the bulk of the Lessons.

  • Each class is 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.

  • There is approximately 1 class per week for 40 weeks. (4 terms, 2 semesters, 1 year of training)

  • Please refer to the uniform page.

  • This level is not currently offered, if we receive enough interest a class will be added (Mondays 4:45-6pm)

Petit Ballet

  • An introductory class for children ages 18 months - 3 years

  • Students will be learning coordination skills, various ways to move their bodies through space, develop their self-confidence in what they do, develop sensitivity to music, and gain a sense of freedom and enjoyment through dance, in addition to learning some rudimentary ballet vocabulary.

  • Each class is 30 minutes in length.

  • There are approximately 10 classes per Term (10 weeks).

  • Sign-up is valid for a singular term of classes.

  • Each term of classes costs $110.00 + GST. As well as the $40.00 annual registration fee.

  • There is no uniform for Petit Ballet, however, we encourage the participants to wear comfortable clothing that allows for non-restricted movement.

  • Saturdays 9:30am - 10:00am.

SCBVM Level 2

  • The third level on the ladder of the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method’s Syllabus. Designed for ages 7-8.

  • In Level 2 there is a continuation of each portion of the Classes in the previous levels, with the addition of students, during their Barre Practice, commencing to learn movements that are done derriere (or to the back). The Level 2 vocabulary at the Barre, will not be as progressive as witnessed during the previous two levels, as the focus of Level 2 is on the development of the Centre Practice portion of the class. Additionally, a new element of the class will also be introduced; Ballet Theory. Ballet Theory (as proposed by the SCBVM) is the discussion, learning, and demonstration of the common vocabulary used globally by those immersed in Russian Classical Ballet. Examples of the Ballet Theory portion of the class would include; the names of the directions or points of the room; and, the names, meanings, purposes, and instruction of those elements.

  • At the outcome of completing Level 2, we expect students to be able to recite the definitions and meanings of some rudimentary ballet vocabulary. And, to demonstrate an increased confidence and range of movements in their Centre Practice, including developments in the student’s mime, and improvisation abilities. Students may also be able to start forming some of their own dances, now that they have a broadened understanding of Classical Ballet movement.

  • Each class is 1 hour in length.

  • There is approximately 1 class per week for 40 weeks. (4 terms, 2 semesters, 1 year of training)

  • Depending on enrolment, there be an examination offered for SCBVM Level 2

  • Please refer to the uniform page.

  • Classes are offered on Tuesdays at 4:45pm - 5:45pm and/or Saturdays 12:00pm - 1:00pm. You may sign up for one or both classes but each registration will be specific to the day you choose.

SCBVM Level 5

  • The sixth level on the ladder of the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method’s Syllabus. Designed for ballet students with previous ballet training, approximately aged 10-13.

  • Level 5 is the first level in the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method which uses the more advanced formula for which students are taught and examined. Exercises are arranged according to the rules for the order of learning which is adhered to by the instructor utilizing the Instructor’s training, knowledge, understanding, and creative input. The focuses during the Barre Practice are; the continuing development of the student’s strength, the further development of their ability to balance, and, primarily, the whole coordination of the student’s body incorporating the student’s head, arms, body, heights of their working leg (the leg not being stood upon), and varying levels of elevation by the student’s supporting leg (the leg being stood upon). In the Centre Practice the foremost focuses are on; practicing and solidifying the student’s movements in Alignments and Poses, adding more movements which contain turning and rotating actions within them, and developing more movements done on one leg, whilst the other leg is held En l’Air (in the air). Additionally, students in Level 5 will take a noticeable leap in the vocabulary during their Allegro (fast, usually containing some form of elevated movement and jumping) portion of the Lessons. For students participating in Level 5 examinations, there is now an added requirement for a brief Variation.

  • At the outcome of Level 5, we see a great leap in the quality of the student’s performance. Students will now express themselves in more dimensions than which have been allowed in previous levels.

  • Starting at level 5, students will have the opportunity each year to choose between two pathways in their journey through training. One pathway is to continue recreationally training to focus purely on the joy of Classical Ballet, and the other pathway is to consider and/or start training vocationally with the purpose to pursue a professional career either dancing professionally or related to dancing professionally. There should be no pressure placed upon the student to make any major life decisions at this point, however, now is the best opportunity to consider the training options.

  • Each class is 1 hour and 30 minutes in length.

  • Classes Wednesdays 5-6:30pm and optional Level 5/6 tech on Fridays 4-5pm

SCBVM Primary

  • The first level in the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method’s Syllabus. Designed for age 4-5.

  • Primary integrates the young dancer into the framework of a traditional ballet lesson. incorporating brief Barre and Centre Practices, and, specifically constructed movements that move across the floor. During classes, Students will be learning their first formal definitions of the very first steps learned in Classical Ballet. Students will also learn how to use rhythm to their advantage in their dancing and also incorporate improvisation, mime, and spatial awareness.

  • Upon completion of this Primary, we expect students to be able to demonstrate some of the core elements of Classical Ballet with confidence, joy, and direction.

  • Each class is 45 minutes in length.

  • There is approximately 1 class per week for 40 weeks. (4 terms, 2 semesters, 1 year of training)

  • Please refer to the uniform page, uniform color pink

  • Saturdays 10:00am - 10:45am.

SCBVM Level 3

  • The fourth level on the ladder of the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method’s Syllabus. Designed for ages 8-9.

  • In Level 3, during the Barre Practice, students will start to add their very first Adage (slow) movements and the combinations will become slightly more complex than they were in Level 2 by adding difficult sequences combining direction and repetition. Adage movements are added as they are more difficult, requiring the students to maintain a higher sense of self-discipline and increased physical strength. After the Barre Practice, students will continue further developing upon their previous understanding of Ballet Theory, only now, in Level 3, the focus is shifted towards fundamental Port de Bras (movement of the arms). The Centre Practice in Level 3, becomes more complex as well, students will start to learn movements involving intricate footwork while travelling and incorporating a rotation of the body and its alignments (en tournant). Additionally, during the Allegro portion of the lesson, movements become more vigorous in nature and include en tournant (rotating).

  • Upon completion of the Level 3 Curriculum, we expect to see students feeling comfortable with more difficult, yet still elementary combinations. Students will be able to memorize and demonstrate combinations that will travel while being more intricate, and change directions - while demonstrating an understanding and ability to control themselves consciously in space.

  • Each class is 1 hour in length.

  • There is approximately 1 class per week for 40 weeks. (4 terms, 2 semesters, 1 year of training)

  • Please refer to the uniform page.

  • Classes are offered on Tuesdays 4:45-5:45 and/or Thursdays 4-5pm. You may sign up for one or both classes but each registration will be specific to the day you choose.

SCBVM Level 6

  • The seventh level on the ladder of the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method’s Syllabus. Designed for Intermediate Ballet Students, approximately aged 12-15.

  • Level 6 is the first Level to move beyond basic “elementary” movements and, simple combinations and exercises. This means that students will be taking many of the simpler movements and concepts learned in the previous levels, and combining them into one singular movement or applied idea. Movements during the Barre Practice now include Pas Tombe travelling in different directions, adding turns to combinations, and adding turns and directions together in a single combination. In Level 6 some exercises and movements will also be done at a much greater speed than done previously. Some movements now need to be done in 1 singular beat instead of 2, or 4 beats; making combinations in the Barre Practice able to be completed in less time, allowing for more combinations to be completed in a singular Barre Practice during one Lesson. This means that there will be an opportunity for more material to be learned and practiced in each Lesson. Additionally, at the end of the Barre Practice, Students will be adding some of the simpler Poses and Alignments which are first learned during the Centre Practice in previous Levels, to their Ballet Theory portion of the Lesson whilst holding the Barre. During the Centre Practice, Students will now be learning Exercises and doing their Combinations using the previously learned Poses and Alignments, and changing their Poses and Alignments during each Combination whilst using their legs, at the same time. Additionally, students will now be introduced to movements which involve travelling en Arriere (backwards) and transferring weight onto an extended Derriere (back) leg. Another notable development in Level 6 is the introduction of Pirouettes. Pirouettes with a single rotation are now learned slowly and carefully and may be used in choreography for performances in which Level 6 Students may participate. During the Allegro Portion of the Lesson, students will be adding Batterie (Beating movements) in which students jump into the air and beat their legs together crossing one leg either behind or in front of the other. This is just the simplest form of Batterie movement, meaning the movements jumps are still executed slowly. During the Variation performed during the Level 6 examination, there is a strong emphasis on ensuring that the student’s Artistry and Technical Skill are matched together precisely.

  • At the end of Level 6 one should expect to see the students appearing strong in the execution of their movements, and also expressive and confident in the artistry that they use during their performances.

  • Classes Monday 5-6:30pm and/or Thursday 5-6:30pm. You may sign up for one or both classes but each registration will be specific to the day you choose.

SCBVM Elementary

  • The eleventh level in the Society of Classical Ballet - Vaganova Method’s Syllabus. Designed for advanced students with several years of ballet training, approximately aged 14 and over.

  • Each class is 1 hour and 30 minutes in length.

  • There are approximately 3 classes per week for 40 weeks. (4 terms, 2 semesters, 1 year of training)

  • Sign-up and registration are for 1 year of training all three days unless a special agreement has been made with the administration .

  • No uniform is required at this level

  • Classes Monday 6:30-8pm, Wednesdays 6:30-8pm and Fridays 6-7:30pm